My Story
Greetings Everyone! My name is Jerry Olivera. I am a Light Worker, Intuitive Reader, Numerologist, Astrologer, Empath, and Spiritual Teacher.
I work with the Archangels and the Beautiful Beings of the Highest Vibration of Light. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, and empathic.
When doing a reading for you I use numerology, astrology or tarot, according to what service you choose, to gain information from your angels and guides as to what you need to know, or to answer the questions that you have.
I was always very intuitive but in 2013 the Universe redirected me on my Path. It seemed like overnight my life was turned upside down and everything had changed. I had no job, no partner, relationships ended, and I had no place to live. It was what we call, “The Dark Night of the Soul.”
During this time I also awakened to an intensification of my spiritual gifts. It was as if I woke up one morning and had a different awareness and I realized that we more than just our human bodies living an earthly experience. I knew there was “something else out there.” I could see energy, read people psychically, and I became more clairvoyant and clairaudient. It was scary, but exciting all at the same time. I went to the library and read books on astrology, numerology, and other metaphysical subjects. I was undergoing a true spiritual awakening!
My journey from that time period has led me to this moment where I am now guided to assist others in finding their path and understanding their own soul’s energy.
Thank you for allowing me to assist you!
Blessings, Jerry Olivera
Please be sure to check out my free videos on my YouTube channel for the Numerology Vibration of the Month and the Astrological Energies of Significance for the Month. You can also find me on FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.